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Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts, United States

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pace University II

One by one, he developed new courses
And added them to the curriculum.
Production Management was a natural,
Later becoming Operations Management.

Social Responsibilities of Business was,
In effect, a course on business ethics,
But strictures on religious proselyting
Forbade overt moralizing.

Organizational Behavior and Management Science
Required hiring new professors in those specialties.
He taught the former long enough to introduce a more
Proactive course in Leadership, borrowed from West Point.

After a few years of growth, the Business Department
Was divided into separate business disciplines.
The Dean thought Marketing and Management should combine.
With a staff of four at the time, he held out for a separate department.

In time, that became the second largest in the university.
Asked to design the major, he divided it into six tracks
With overlapping courses at the core, and a few specialties.
This became popular, as offering flexibility in application.

But he also held out against pressure to institute
Career specific majors, such as hospitality or sports management,
And in so doing discovered a fundamental rule in
The principles of academic freedom.

As chairman of the management department, he and his colleagues
Had to be recognized as the authority in their discipline.
They could not be directed in what to teach or how to teach.
Changes could only suggested to them, as part of the larger whole.

When he was being considered for tenure, after six years,
The president let it be known that he must be approved,
There being no doctoral degree in his field,
And in recognition of his organizing abilities.

Looking at the familiar pattern of employment of graduates from Pace,
Of what was essentially a commuter school for local residents,
He originated a program for those in family or other small businesses,
With courses in entrepreneurship and small business management.

This was a hard sell to the powers that be, in overcoming
Objections that the courses were not sufficiently academic.
He formed a partnership with the Small Business Administration in
Using seniors in analysis and improvement of existing businesses.

He required both speaking and writing in each course, if feasible.
In advanced courses, he formed project teams of five each,
To examine existing business situations, and critique them,
Or to develop recommendations for wholly new strategies.

He had considered teaching to age 70, or perhaps 68.
But the trustees in their wisdom offered a retirement bonus,
So at 65, he consulted with his banker son, who said,
"Dad, take the first offer, they don't get any better."

They decided to relocate to Cape Cod, where
Their daughter and family had summered for years.
Sold the house in Mahopac and move to Brewster,
And lived happily there together for nine years.

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