December 19, 2013
1. Have the Yarmouth health department and/or the building inspector
declare the mission house uninhabitable.
2. Move the offices and the the thrift shop to the common building,
replacing the March Room and the classrooms.
3. Discontinue use of premises at St. David's by the day care operation.
4. Install moveable partitions in Nelson Hall for use by the church
school and small meetings.
5. Use Nelson Hall regularly for coffee hour and other social activities.
6. Change the name of the church to St. David's Church, dropping the
specific Episcopal identification.
7. Post "We have answers" and similar evangelistic messages on
the signboard.
8. Begin the work of a search committee immediately to:
Forecast the financial condition of the parish
Determine what the parish can afford in paid leadership
Shortcut the self-study process to avoid an interim rector
Use supply priests in the short term
Advertise, examine, and call a new rector or part-time minister
9. Scrap the organization chart in the Shoreline, and replace it with a
simple listing of primary functions, volunteer activities, and their
10. Take decisive action, resisting pressure from diocesan officials
to burden the parish with unnecessary requirements.
11. Keep the congregants informed of progress and decisions made,
but do not permit them to derail the process.
12. Begin an active marketing campaign to attract new members.
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